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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Blog 11: Amish Paradise not for me

If there is anything that Weird Al Yankovic has taught me, it is that the Amish are interesting and hardcore. I think it's pretty hardcore of them to live without all this technology. It's because of all their hard work and labor that I have a lot of respect for them.
As much respect as I have for them, I could never adapt to their lifestyle. Their lifestyle consists of practicing religion consistantly and women are not equal to men  when it comes to authority. I believe in God, but I do not believe that it is mandatory to be going to a house of worship every week. I do believe we should attend every once in a while, but not to the extent that extremely religious people believe. I don’t think I’ll go to hell for not attending church for a month. I show my appreciation to God by doing charity and being thankful for what I have.
Women not being equal to men is a serious problem for me. Unmarried Amish women are still under the control of their fathers and when married are under control of their husbands. Not exactly control, but men treat women unequally making the suffrage movements moot. I cannot stand being held down by anybody. If I want to go travel, no one should be telling me I can’t. If I want to work no one should be telling me I can’t.  I like the kitchen, but unless I’m a chef, I refuse to stay in there all day.
Another thing is that the Amish believe that children should be taken out of school before 8th grade.  I love school. It’s a great excuse to get out of the house and I love to learn.  I wouldn’t want to be taken away from my right to an education.
I have a lot of respect for the Amish. I don’t agree with with most of their beliefs, but I know that they mean well and they believe in the rewards of hardwork. It’s a very admirable way of life but I couldn’t do that. Oh and I really love my Nintendo 64, can’t live without that.

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